Acupuncture is the use of very fine sterile needles that are inserted into specific points of the body. The selection of points is based on your Chinese medicine diagnosis. Acupuncture treatments are painless, although you may experience a slight tingling or dull ache as the needles begin to do their work. Once the needles are in, you are left to relax for 20-30mins.
Acupuncture stimulates the nervous system
The modern scientific explanation of how acupuncture works is that needling the acupuncture points stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal chord and brain. These chemicals will either change the experience of pain or they will trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones that can influence the body’s own internal regulating system.
Acupuncture is both safe and effective for all ages
Acupuncture, with a trained and fully qualified practitioner, is one of the safest and longest established forms of healthcare. It is suitable for people of all ages, including pregnant women and children, and can be used effectively alongside conventional medicine. It is most often used for pain relief.
Acupuncture for fertility issues
Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can be used to help fertility and conception. Karen has undergone a number of specialist training courses in fertility and also has many years of experience with using acupuncture and Chinese medicine to help women conceive.
Chinese herbs
A typical herbal formula consists of around a dozen plant-based herbs. These herbs are carefully sourced from reputable suppliers and are all individually certified to ensure safety and efficacy. The individualised formula is put together to treat not only the patients symptoms, but also to encourage the body’s self-healing mechanisms.
The herbs are supplied in powder or granule form, dissolved in hot water and drunk once or twice daily.
Read more about Chinese herbal medicine
Tui na massage
Tui na (“twee nah”) meaning “push pluck” is a Chinese medical massage based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. Tui na releases muscle tension to increase blood flow and stimulate the body’s own healing processes. Where there has been trauma or injury to the muscles, Tui na breaks down scar tissue and adhesions.
Tui na massage is an effective treatment for pain and injury
Tui na massage is performed with the patient fully clothed and covered by a cotton sheet which increases the practitioners sensitivity, easily identifying the areas requiring treatment. Tui na is wonderfully relaxing and invigorating. It is suitable for all ages, as a general massage or for treatment of pain and injury.
Cupping is an extremely effective treatment to quickly relieve muscle tension. The suction created, separates the muscle fascia to allow fresh blood flow.
A low current is attached to the needles after they’ve been inserted. This is used particularly in relation to pain and injury, to encourage and quicken healing, but also to prompt the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers.
Moxa is used in conjunction with acupuncture to enhance the effect of acupuncture treatment. It has a warming and stimulating effect on the body.
More info on Cupping, Electro and Moxa
If you’d like to discuss acupuncture treatments or tui na massage options or to book an appointment for acupuncture in Colchester Essex: Click to contact