Rent a counselling room in Colchester city centre

Counselling room to rent in Colchester city centre
This charming, quiet and calm room in Colchester city centre is available on flexible rental terms, hourly or daily. This is a great alternative for a counsellor starting up in Colchester. Short term, flexible rental allows you to use a lovely room without renting on a fixed term contract.
Rent a therapy room in Colchester Essex

Massage room (or similar)
Both Richard and Karen (who run the treatment rooms) are relaxed but highly professional practitioners. They are looking for like-minded professionals that would compliment their work. Richard offers counselling and Karen offers acupuncture, tui na massage, cupping, moxa and other Chinese medical practices. They are happy to rent the rooms either exclusively or on a daily or hourly basis. If you’re interested, then get in touch to discuss.
Richard Miller 07496 256412 or Karen Jeffery 07891 111436