What is Chinese herbal medicine?
Chinese herbal medicine is a component of traditional Chinese medicine dating back to the 3rd century BC. It has continually evolved to reflect changing clinical conditions and is supported by extensive research.
How does a Chinese herbal formula work?
The pharmacological activity of each individual herb has been extensively studied and documented over the centuries. Herbal medicine is distinct from pharmaceuticals as it isolates individual active ingredients and the complexity of plant materials is far more balanced, and so less likely to cause side-effects. Also, the herbs are prescribed in combination (typically, around a dozen herbs are included in a formula), and hence undergo a mutual synergy that increases efficacy and enhances safety.
A typical formula seeks to correct internal imbalances rather than to treat symptoms alone, and therapeutic intervention is designed to encourage the self-healing process.
How do I take a Chinese herbal formula?
Traditionally, herbs are prepared by steeping in boiling water, by stir-frying or chargrilling. Modern processes now safely dry and concentrate the herbs into powders or granules that can be easily mixed with hot water and drunk like a tea.
Chinese herbs and endangered species
Properly qualified and registered practitioners in the UK are entirely against the use of medicines from endangered species. NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS ARE USED IN THESE FORMULAS. The plant based powders and granules are sourced from reputable companies who can provide detailed certification of each batch of herbs.
To make enquiries regarding a Chinese herbal medical consultation in Colchester, Essex or Book Online visit the Contact Page.