Using acupuncture to improve chances of conception is a good option. It is beneficial whether you’ve just started ‘trying’ or have been trying for a while. Generally speaking, you can expect some relaxation, improved sleep, digestion and improved blood flow to the reproductive area. For ladies, I’m looking at ‘fine tuning’ the menstrual cycle. Acupuncture helps to balance hormones. I will also often incorporate abdominal massage. It is useful if the bleeds are painful. This is also helpful if the bleeds are clotty or if there is poor flow. This helps build a healthy endometrium for implantation. It also aids blood flow to the ovaries to aid egg development.
To find out more about how acupuncture can improve the chances of natural conception, go to: Fertility acupuncture
Acupuncture offers many benefits alongside the IVF process both emotionally and physically. IVF is an amazing treatment that we are privileged to have access to. In my experience, many couples enter into the process thinking that it’s a given that they will conceive, only to be disappointed with negative outcomes. I believe strongly in couples ‘doing the work’ prior to embarking on IVF to prepare themselves mentally and physically to give themselves the best possible chance.
To find out how acupuncture can be used alongside IVF treatment, go to Acupuncture for IVF
Once patients have got that positive pregnancy test, there is always a slight nervousness until that 12 week scan. I usually encourage Women to continue treatment up until that point. In most cases, I’ll tell Women, “now go enjoy your pregnancy, see you at 34 weeks for some birth prep!” unless there are any problems.
There are benefits in using a non-drug approach during pregnancy. In the hands of a properly qualified and experienced acupuncturist, it is a very safe treatment. For more information, please read safe acupuncture during pregnancy.
As teenagers we’re given sex education. Perhaps we are taught more about preventing pregnancy rather than understanding how it all works. It’s a good idea to know when your fertile window is likely to occur and what signs and symptoms we should be aware of.
To understand more, please read understanding the menstrual cycle.