What is traditional acupuncture?
Traditional acupuncture is a branch of Chinese medicine that’s been around for thousands of years. It uses fine needles to stimulate certain points around the body. It’s worth mentioning that the needles are sterile and for single use only. Different needles (size/gauge) are used depending on the area of the body that they’re being used on. The needles are very fine and come in a plastic ‘guide tube, which keeps them clean.
Insertion of acupuncture needles is painless. Once in place, the needle is manipulated to produce a dull achy sensation known as ‘de qi’. There are hundreds of different acupuncture points on the body. Generally, a selection of points is chosen depending on the patient’s condition.
How does acupuncture work?
The modern scientific explanation of how acupuncture works is that needling acupuncture points stimulates the nervous system. This releases chemicals in the muscles, spinal chord and brain. These chemicals will either change the experience of pain or they can trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones that influence the body’s own internal regulating system.
In traditional language, insertion of the acupuncture needles regulates the flow of qi, the body’s vital energy that travels around the body via channels or meridians. For a number of reasons, qi can become disturbed, depleted or blocked. A common saying amongst acupuncturists is: “pain no flow – flow no pain”. In other words, when qi is flowing correctly, then the body is in balance.
The language of traditional acupuncture is a reflection of its cultural and historic origins. It sees symptoms of pain and illness as a sign that the body is out of balance. This may be as a result of poor or excess nutrition, emotional and physical stress, injury, infection or a constitutional weakness. Physical, emotional and psychological symptoms are seen as interconnected.
Acupuncture treats the whole person not just the disease
Whilst acupuncture can be used to treat individual symptoms, the art of good treatment is to identify the root cause of the problem. Traditional acupuncturists will aim to treat the person, not only the disease.
In some cases, patients may only need a few sessions. For other patients, a longer course of treatment may be recommended. This will be discussed at your consultation.
Tuina massage is a great alternative to acupuncture, if you’re afraid of needles
If you are a bit needle phobic or simply don’t like them then there is an alternative form of treatment. You can find out more about this treatment which is Tuina Massage, here.
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