Karen Jefferies at Colchester Acupuncture, recently had the opportunity to train as a phlebotomist! That’s someone who can take blood samples by the way. At Colchester Acupuncture we are conscious that often patients present with a complex list of symptoms, some of which are difficult to attribute the cause. Blood tests can help to identify issues pertaining to deficiencies.
A blood test can tell a lot about deficiencies
A simple blood test can be a good starting point to find out about deficiencies. B12 or Vitamin D deficiencies are common for example and can cause a variety of symptoms. Once identified, it’s simple to rectify. We test, supplement, retest and review three months later. A better route than randomly taking supplements on the off chance or because we read it in a magazine! (Yes we’ve all done it).
We’ll be offering blood tests as a new service to patients soon
So. we should be offering this service for patients soon. Watch this space.