Acupuncture is a surprisingly relaxing and pleasant treatment that can be used for any number of conditions. In the hands of a well trained acupuncturist, it is a very safe treatment. It is considered an ancient practice which is easily adapted for a modern day context.
Acupuncture is best known for treating pain related conditions but should be seen as a whole body, holistic treatment. In the language of traditional Chinese medicine, the aim is to bring the body into balance. Patients experience a sense of well being, stress reduction and improved sleep. For more information on the benefits and practices of acupuncture, click on the image above.
Tuina massage is considered a medical style massage. It can be used for relaxation and a general ‘loosen up’. Mainly, I treat pain related conditions and postural imbalances. I often say to patients: “we treat what we find” rather than have a set routine. The diagnosis often begins as the patient enters the room, observing gait and posture. This process becomes more formal when the patient is lying on the couch. We examine hip and shoulder alignment, foot position, and curvature of the spine. With experience, practitioners will gain a sensitivity, ‘listening with the fingers’ to pinpoint the tight areas.
Tuina massage is easily adaptable to suit the needs of the patient. I often incorporate it into acupuncture treatments. In my opinion, it’s a very comfortable massage whilst also being capable of getting deep into the areas of tension. Click on the image above for more information.
Cupping therapy can be used as a standalone treatment or as an adjunct to acupuncture and/or tuina massage. In most cases, I use cupping as a quick and effective way of relieving muscle tension. I’ve found cupping therapy to be effective in clearing acne scarring from the back. It’s also very beneficial for patients with chest infections, something that’s practiced quite routinely in many Asian countries.
Electroacupuncture is excellent for pain management. A current is applied to the needles not dissimilar to a TENS machine. Different frequencies have specific effects. Often I will apply a modulating frequency to tackle pain relief and to illicit a healing response. Most often I like to use electroacupuncture for knee problems, plantar fasciitis and frozen shoulder. Click on the image above for more information on cupping therapy and electroacupuncture.
Chinese herbal medicine formulas are mainly bespoke combinations of plant based herbs. I’m keen to dispel the common media presentation that Chinese herbs threaten endangered species or are in some way dangerous. They are specifically grown, regulated and tested for the medical market. I would discourage anyone to obtain herbs or indeed any pharmaceutical drug on the internet. All these products are safe and effective but only when prescribed and monitored by properly trained clinicians.
Most commonly, a herbal formula is put together after a thorough diagnosis. The herbs come as free dried granules that are made into a tea. As symptoms improve, formulas are adjusted to suit. Click on the image above for more information.